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How to study when you don’t want to study

Some subjects are really interesting. Some are alright. And some are downright terrible. Unfortunately, if you want to get good grades, you have to study. Even for the subjects you hate (like physics!). If you’ve got an exam coming up (and it’s a subject you hate!), then try out some of these tips in order to help you get motivated!

Table of Content
  • Start out small
  • Make it fun!
  • Break it down
  • Think about why you’re studying
  • Rewards!
  • Mix it up

Start out small

If the thought of a 3-hour long study session sounds like too much to you, then don’t do it! Shorten the time and take more frequent breaks. You’ll definitely be able to study for longer over time! Think about the length of time you’d want to study in an ideal world, then shorten it until you feel no resistance towards studying that long. For example, if an hour sounds like too much, make it 45 minutes. Still too much? No problem! 30 minutes. Any studying is better than no studying at all.

Make it fun!

Gamification is when you add game mechanics to a non-game enviroment. It makes studying a lot more fun! Some ways you can make studying more fun is by racing against the clock, studying with friends, or by making your notes look nice. I’ve written an entire post about it, so check that out for more information!

Break it down

If a task looks too big and threatening, then the best thing to do is to make it smaller. Break down your big tasks into smaller, more managable steps. Once you’ve thought of your small steps, create a study schedule that you can stick to. By doing this, you’ll decrease your chances of getting overwhelmed! I also find that it’s easier to get motivated to study when I have a schedule with small, managable tasks on it. This is because even though it’s technically the same amount of work, your brain will view it as less!

Think about why you’re studying

This one’s pretty simple – why are you studying? Don’t just say that you want to get a good grade – think about the more distant motivations. For example, I really want to get into an Ivy League university. However, they’re incredibly competitive, and you need amazing grades to get in. Whenever I don’t feel like studying, I remind myself that I need good grades to get into the university I want. Think about why you want to succeed, and remind yourself your reason whenever you don’t feel like studying.


This is a type of gamification that is super helpful! If you can’t think of any long-term rewards (like getting into a good school!), then give yourself short-term rewards. Tell yourself, “if I finish studying this unit, I’ll eat some chocolate”. Any reward works!

Mix it up

If you’ve tried everything and you still can’t get motivated, try changing up your environment. Go study somewhere else, or buy a new notebook or pen. Even better, change up the revision methods you use! This novelty might help you get out of a rut, since it’ll make studying seem a little bit more interesting.

Sometimes it can be difficult to start studying, and I understand that. Try out some of these tips if you can’t seem to get motivated. If none of these tips seem to be working, feel free to drop a comment, or ask me for help on Tumblr or Instagram! Good luck with your studying 🙂

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