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How I take notes using active recall for high grades

A lot of people have asked me for my note-taking process, and so here it is! I try to incorporate as much active recall as possible in order to make my studying more effective and help me achieve better grades.

Table of Content
  • Notes vs Summary Sheets
  • Using the specification
  • Including active recall
  • Cornell notes method
  • Making it look nice

Notes vs Summary Sheets

Notes are very different from summary sheets, but a lot of people tend to confuse them. The main difference lies in the depth of the information – notes are very detailed and explanatory, while summary sheets are meant to give you a broad overview of only the most important information. Personally, I prefer to use summary sheets, since notes tend to have a lot of unnecessary information and they take a lot of time.

Using the specification

When making summary sheets, I ALWAYS use the specification. There’s two main reasons for this: firstly, the specification can help you work out which pieces of information are the most important. Secondly, using the exam board specification as a checklist can help you make sure that you’ve covered all the content on the exam.

Including active recall

I’ve said it a thousand times, and I’ll say it a thousand times more: active recall is the best way to study. Although making notes is usually a passive recall method, you can make it more active by using blurting. This is when you read the textbook, then try to recall the information without looking at the textbook. Remember to check the textbook after you’ve finished writing your notes to make sure you haven’t missed anything!

Cornell notes method

I use the Cornell notes method when making my summary sheets because it helps me include more active recall. First, make your notes in the main section. Then, write related questions in the little sidebar. Finally, try to answer the questions in the bottom section without looking at your notes!

Making it look nice

Although making your notes look pretty shouldn’t be your main priority, it can be quite motivating. I like using pastel-coloured highlighters and colourful pens in order to make my notes look nicer. Another bonus of making your notes look pretty is that it forces you to make them more organised and easy-to-read!

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