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How to make studying boring subjects fun!

We all have that one subject that we absolutely hate. The content is boring, the teacher is unhelpful, and the tests are ridiculously difficult. Yes, I am talking about physics. Here are a few helpful tips to help you study super-boring subjects!

Table of Content
  • Study with friends
  • Use gamification
  • Reward yourself
  • Romanticise it
  • Change your mindset

Study with friends

Studying with friends is one of the best ways to make a boring subject more fun! You can all study while complaining about how much you hate it – so cathartic! If you can’t meet up with your friends in person, then try studying over Zoom. Make sure you study with people that won’t distract you though!

Use gamification

Gamification is when you add game mechanics to game mechanics to non-game environments. You can do this by trying to race against the clock – set a timer, and challenge yourself to complete as many questions as you can during the time! You can also use fun apps and websites, like duolingo or languagenut, to make studying more interactive.

Reward yourself

Rewarding yourself is another great way to motivate yourself to study a really boring subject. I like to make my rewards dependent on the amount of time I spend studying: if I study for an hour, I watch 30 minutes of a movie. If I study for half an hour, I only watch 15. This can motivate you to study as much as possible for your boring subjects!

Romanticise it

There are tons and tons of ways you can romanticise studying. You can make pretty notes, use scented candles while studying, or listen to lofi and classical music. By romanticising boring subjects, you make them seem more appealing, meaning that you’ll study more often!

Change your mindset

The final thing you can do is change your mindset – try to become a more positive person, and try to stop viewing the subject in such a negative light. The best way to do this is to think about what you like about the subject. For example, I used to hate maths, but I’ve come to love the simplicity of it: you’re either right or wrong.

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