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How to catch up on your studies

We’ve all been there: dreams of being an academic weapon dashed by overwhelming tests and mountains of homework. And before you know it, you’re falling behind. Don’t worry though – this step-by-step plan will guide you on how to get back on track with your studies.

Take stock of where you are

First, figure out where you are. What assignments do you need to catch up on? What are your upcoming exams? Make sure you check your syllabus to see what topics you’ve already studied, and which ones you’ve fallen behind on. When doing this, also take stock of how you ended up here. What made you fall behind in the first place? Burnout? Lack of motivation? Other responsibilities? Knowing how you got here can prevent you from making the same mistake twice.

Make a plan

Now, make a to-do list of everything that you need to get done. Check your schedule, and figure out when you can squeeze in time to study. Decide on a deadline you want to finish catching up by, and count how many days are from now until then. Allocate the tasks on your to-do list to each day so that you have a clear daily goal to accomplish. I like to do this using Google Sheets or Excel, but a piece of paper will work just as well.

Prioritise your weaknesses

If you’re on a time crunch – maybe there’s an exam approaching – then make sure you focus on the subjects or topics you’re worst at. This is really important so that you have an even depth of knowledge and are comfortable tackling all the topics in the syllabus. It can be tempting to stay in your comfort zone, but make sure you divide your time wisely between your subjects.

Use high-yield study methods

If you have a lot of content to catch up on, you probably don’t want to waste time. Make sure you’re using study methods that don’t take up too much time but help you memorise information quickly. Any active recall study method, including flashcards or practice papers, is good! That’s because activr recall methods are the best study methods for remembering information.

Stay consistent

Make sure you don’t fall behind again by staying consistent. Spend at least half an hour studying each day to ensure that you’re on top of your school work. If you’re struggling with consistency, create a checklist for yourself so that you know what to study.

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