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How to make studying *actually* fun

For most people, studying can seem really boring. Sadly, it’s pretty much a non-negotiable part of your daily life if you’re a student. But what if studying was fun? Shocking, I know. But don’t be so surprised, since it can actually be possible 😱😱😱!

Fun study methods

I know this might seem like an oxymoron, but study methods can actually be… fun? I personally love studying by doing online quizzes like Kahoot, Blooket, or Quizlet live. The best part is that these are active recall methods, so they’re very effective! Another pro is that these websites often have pre-made flashcard sets, so you don’t have to do anything yourself.

If you want more information about fun study methods, you might find this video helpful:

Listen to music

This is kind of a controversial tip, but listening to music while studying undoubtedly makes the whole process a lot more soothing. I would recommend listening to quiet and soft songs so that you don’t get distracted. Alternatively, listening to music in another language can also prevent you from getting distracted by the lyrics since you don’t understand it! Also, music + writing essays just don’t mix. I find that it’s really difficult to think of what to write next if I listen to music while writing an essay, so it works best if you don’t have to write anything.

Make it a competition

Adding in a competitive element can be really helpful if you’re a naturally competitive person. You can set challenges for yourself, or you can use apps that have leaderboards so you can compete against others to see who can study the longest. Study Together is an app that does this, and while I personally haven’t used it (yet), it seems to have a lot of great features!

Study with friends

If your friends study the same subjects as you, this is a great option! Make sure you don‘t get distracted though: split your time between studying and talking so that you actually get something done. Don’t have friends? Skill issue. Apps like StudyStream let you study with strangers online! Never give out personal information though – stay safe!

Romanticise studying

Finally, you can try to make the process of studying itself as ~aesthetic~ as possible. Light some scented candles, take out your pretty pastel highlighters, and get your desk looking neat. Making yourself feel like you’re in a movie can help motivate you and make the whole process seem a lot more appealing. This can backfire though: don’t tell yourself that you can only study if it’s pinterest-perfect.

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