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5 easy steps to getting out of a study slump

Everyone loses motivation sometimes. A study slump is never good, but it’s even worse when it happens right before exam season. GCSE, A-level, and AP exams are almost upon us, so if you’re currently in a study slump, the time to start studying again is now!

Do some introspection

First, think about why you lost the drive to study in the first place. Think back to when you started to slow down, and try to pinpoint what event or feeling caused this. To get out of your study slump, you have to find the root cause and make sure it doesn’t repeat itself. This is absolutely crucial: your efforts will go to waste since, if you don’t fix the reason why you started to slump, you’ll just lose motivation all over again!

Look for motivation

Now, find something that will motivate you to start studying again. Maybe you want to get an A on a certain test, or you need good grades to get into your dream college or job. Whatever your motivation is, you need to find a reason to get back into studying. Some people say that motivation isn’t useful if you want to be consistent, but that’s not what we’re looking for. Right now, you just need something to get you back to your desk and notebooks. We’ll deal with consistency soon.

Make a schedule

Part of the reason why study slumps happen is because we get overwhelmed. So, you need to get organised so that you’re back on track. Make a study schedule by setting aside time to study. Note down the subject you want to study and study methods you want to use. Another reason why a study schedule can be really helpful in getting you out of a study slump is because it makes studying seem like it’s a part of your daily routine rather than an annoying chore.

Start off easy

If you’re learning to swim, you don’t dive into the deep end. Likewise, if you’re getting out of a study slump, don’t expect to regularly do 12-hour study sessions. This will quickly cause you to get overwhelmed and regress back into your slump. Start off with shorter study sessions, easier subjects, and simple study methods so that you get into the habit of studying quickly.

Make studying fun

Finally, make the act of studying more appealing. This means that you’re more likely to study consistently, so you’ll prevent future study slumps. Make studying fun by using gamification, listening to music, studying with friends, or using fun study methods! By making studying engaging and fun, you’ll stick to the habit in the long term and you’ll stay out of your study slump.

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