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The 5 important keys to a productive day

Most of us want to be productive, at least some of the time. But in order to be productive and get a lot of work done, you need to lay the groundwork first. Here are the 5 essentials that can help you lay the basis for a productive day.

Don’t snooze

To start your day off right, make sure you don’t snooze your alarm. Snoozing puts you in a procrastination mindset: if the first think you do in the morning is procrastinate on waking up, then you’ll be put in a minset where you think it’s okay to procratinate on other tasks. In order to achieve this, try to set your alarm at a time you’re actually comfortable waking up at so there’s no need to snooze. Also, put your phone (or alarm clock!) far away so that by the time you reach it, you’ll feel more awake.

Make a plan

To be productive, you need to know what you have to do. First thing in the morning, make a to-do list of everything you want to accomplish. You can rank it by priority and urgency. Then, you can make a schedule to keep track of all your tasks and any appointments. This can be done on google calendar, a planner, or just any piece of paper. By creating a plan, you’re more likely to be productive since your vision for your day is much clearer.

Fun & relaxation

Taking breaks is an important part of having a productive day, even if it sounds counterintuitive. This is because breaks allow you to relax, which ensures that you don’t become burnt-out or tired. And if you become burnt-out, you’re much less able to do your work productively. Also, scheduling fun activities can act as motivation to get all your tasks done!

Avoid distractions

Distractions are easily able to derail your productivity – don’t allow them to! Make note of what distracts you, then avoid it. If you’re studying in your bedroom, close your door so you aren’t disturbed. Put your phone on silent and block time-wasting websites from your laptop. You might also find that your main distraction is just your mind: you keep thinking about things other than the task at hand. If that’s the case, then try meditation – it’ll help you keep your focus on the work you’re meant to be doing.

Put your phone away

Your phone is the biggest distraction that exists. When you want to be productive, make sure it’s in another room or far away. During breaks, try to stay off your phone as well, especially if all you’re going to do is mindlessly scroll. That’s because you probably don’t actually find scrolling to be fun. Try to do something that you actually find fun instead.

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