We all probably have at least one social media app on our phones. Chances are, your screentime for that app is pretty high. But ask yourself: do you really enjoy using social media? Probably not – it’s not actually that fun, and can be super detrimental to your wellbeing. If you agree, then this post will help you spend less time on social media, whether that’s instagram, tiktok, or twitter (it’ll never be X to me 😤😤😤).
Black & white
Instagram uses bright colours to constantly keep you engaged – it’s the exact same tactic childrens’ TV shows use. By turning your phone into black and white only, you can make your phone seem “boring” so you spend less time on it. For those on iPhone, go to settings – accessibility – display – colour filters. For those on android or other platforms, this guide may be helpful.
Schedule your time
This might sound counter-intuitive, but setting aside some time specifically for social media can help. Choose a time – preferably in the afternoon, so it doesn’t throw of the rhythm of your day – and set aside 15-30 minutes to check instagram. Make sure you set a timer so you stay accountable. This helps you reduce your screentime because you get in the mindset to not check Instagram constantly since you’ll know you have time for it later. It becomes less of a mindless activity, and more of a conscious choice.
Reminders & limits
This is a pretty basic tip, but it does help. Setting a screen time limit for yourself can be helpful. Ideally, set a password so that you can’t just snooze the limit. Instagram also allows you to set reminders to stop scrolling after 10 minutes: go to your activity, then set a reminder. You can also set a time limit for instagram from the app directly. While this isn’t super effective since you can always snooze the reminder, it can make you reconsider constantly scrolling by forcing you to make a conscious decision whether or not to scroll.
Don’t touch your phone
Seems simple: if you’re not on your phone, you’re not on Instagram. Keep your phone in another room when you don’t need to be using it. You can also limit your overall screen time by using apps like Flora that incentivise you to stay off your phone for as long as possible.
Deactivate your account
If you feel like you just can’t stay off instagram, then deactivate your account in the accounts center. This might seem impossible if you use instagram for communication, but try to find alternative apps that you can use that are exclusively chat apps. This way, you won’t be able to scroll since there’s no content, only messages.