You probably want to spend your winter break productively, right? But, that can be pretty difficult if you don’t plan out what you want to do – instead, you’ll likely just spend it watching Netflix and thinking about how you should be studying.
- Decide what you want to do
- Set some goals
- Break them down
- Make a schedule
Decide what you want to do
First of all, decide what you actually want to do during your holidays. Do you want to spend them studying, relaxing, or working on personal improvement? Decide on a few things you want to get done during the holidays, make a list of them, and move on to the next step!
Set some goals
Now it’s time to turn your list of things you want to do into a list of goals. Make sure that they’re SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For example, “study Spanish” isn’t very SMART, but “do 15 reading and listening exercises from 3 units of Spanish by the end of the holidays” is SMART.
Break them down
Goals themselves might seem pretty daunting and difficult, so you need to break them down into smaller steps. If your goal is to write an essay, then break that down into researching it, planning it, and writing each individual paragraph. You can also set mini-deadlines for each component!
Make a schedule
Now, make a rough schedule of how you’re going to spend each day. Obviously be sure to include when you’re going to work on your goals (and include specifically what you’re going to do!). But also, remember to set aside time for fun and relaxing activities – it is the holidays after all!