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How to deal with exam stress

Exam season is one of the most stressful times in a student’s academic life, and exam stress is linked with lots of negative mental health side effects. However, it doesn’t have to be this way: there are tons of things you can do to decrease your exam stress!

Table of Content
  • Move around
  • Make a study plan
  • Take time for yourself
  • Externalise your worries
  • Try mindfulness

Move around

Exercise is amazing for your mental health. It’s been clinically proven to decrease stress levels, so it’s one of the best ways to decrease exam stress. Go to the gym, ride a bike, go running, play tennis – anything works!

Make a study plan

Creating a study schedule is incredibly important, as it makes you feel as though you are more in control of the situation. Making a study plan can prevent you from feeling overwhelmed, thereby decreasing exam stress.

Take time for yourself

Self-care is incredibly important. To keep your mental health positive during exam season, remember to take some time off each day to do something fun. Hang out with friends, read a book, paint something – anything that isn’t related to studying.

Externalise your worries

One of the worst things you can do is to keep your worries inside you. On a piece of paper or in a notes app, write down everything that stresses you out about the exam. As you start to write the worries, you’ll start to realise that a lot of them aren’t very logical, and you won’t feel as worried about them anymore.

Try mindfulness

Finally, try something to help you stay grounded, rather than spiralling off into a string of worries. Take a few minutes each day to try some deep breathing meditation, or do yoga in the afternoon! Anything that can help you stay present.

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